So Rosey is still boycotting his obscenely large selection of litter trays for the purposes of plopping. Poor Mini Kitty. She must think boys are so lazy and unclean, which I would actually concur with.
Last weekend my mum came home after running some errands and went into the bathroom, where Mini and Rosey stay when she's out, and fully expected to find a little present from Rosey on the floor. Indeed she could smell said gift, but couldn't see it. She could, however, see a J cloth on the floor, under which was nestled Rosey's little present, as it turns out. My mum concludes that Mini Cat must have dragged the cloth from its previous spot wedged behind the toilet cistern and used it to cover Rosey's poop, possibly in some kind of desperate (but alarmingly clever) attempt to cover up the foulness.
I was skeptical when she told me this, but she went on to say that Mini regularly kicks bits of gravel that happen to be outside the litter tray towards Rosey's offending stool, wherever it may be in the room, and attempt to cover it up with that, so now I am wondering whether the whole J cloth thing was premeditated by the little black cat after all. Apparently they've never played with the J cloth either. They're not interested in things like that. I am surprised either way. I thought a recent study showed that cats are pretty stupid. Mind you, a lot of people can be pretty stupid too. Anyway, needless to say my mum was gushing and squealing like an embarrassingly proud parent over Mini's antics. To be fair, I knew she was a special little girl.
In other news, Rosey is still snotty and sneezy and, on reflection, has actually been like this since I got him. The vet's been giving him various medication and although he has this issue, his airways and lungs are always apparently clear. My mum thinks he's got some sort of lifelong condition. She keeps vaguely mentioning herpes, which has me raising my eyebrows in perplexion (which isn't actually a real word, but definitely should be). I'm pretty sure the vet mentioned no such condition.
Here are some old and recent photos of the babies for purposes of a comparison. It's amazing how much they've grown and changed.