Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mini Monkey

For some reason I've gotten into trying to capture the kittens' comical antics. Frustratingly, they never do their "thing" as well as usual when a camera is pointed at them, but I did manage to catch Mini-Cat doing her monkey impression. Had basic science not proved this impossible, I'd bet there was gibbon in her ancestry, or at the very least lemur. 

Check her out:

In other news, I forgot to announce officially that Rosey is back with us. And is a boy. The latter detail is proving troublesome because he looks such like a fluffy little girl. The fact that we can't physically bring ourselves to call her anything other than Rosey (because it's so fitting) doesn't help matters. We must keep an eye on this because everybody knows there's nothing worse than a cat with identity issues.  He's been doing great though. The vet checked him over and said that apart from his snotty nose, he couldn't even tell he'd had pneumonia. He confirmed Rosey's masculine status and even had a surprisingly good old feel of his, er, assets. Then he lifted him up to his face and cooed "Look at your little head, look at your gorgeous little head. Look how small it is." Matt said (later) that that kind of thing must be attractive in a man, loving animals and all that. Well, it was, but was then promptly spoilt by the two of them discussing British football for ten minutes. I had to literally interject with "So, Rosey's eating. Can I give him something that he'll eat more of?" Honestly, you think you can move to Canada and get away from such disgusting football nonsense.

Anyway, here's a video of my precious Roseykins:

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